前童木构 榫卯再生 Qian Tong House
浙江 宁海 Ninghai, Zhejiang
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地点 Location
浙江 宁海 Ninghai, Zhejiang
年份 Year
面积 Area
宁波市宁海县西南角的前童古镇, 明清建筑群落保留完好,八卦水系叮叮咚咚穿镇而过。其中有一小块约7x7 米的宅基地在主街的转角处,虽然只有巴掌点儿大,却占据着黄金的地理标段。2015年3月,古镇政府希望委托建筑师来重新设计建造一座木头房子。当我在构思这座新的木建筑时,我在思考如何为古镇安一颗年轻的心。我们应该如何继续去挥舞木头,继续去营造一个“既符合当代审美、能够容纳现代⽣活的空间”,能够让这个房子站在老房子旁边既不同样老朽、又不过显突兀, 好似祖孙并肩而立一般呢?
Qian Tong House is assembled, without any nail or glue, by Chinese traditional carpenters on site with 136 separate wood components prefabricated by 5-axis CNC machine. An evolved Chinese wood structure of mortise-tenon joints is practiced combining modern processing techniques with ancient oriental esthetics. In this way, the philosophy of sustainability is proposed: circular construction and in-place rebirth based on the life cycle of both human and trees.