动态 News
今人也知悠然意 Today, people also know the meaning of leisure
和合茶园位于武夷山景区北侧小果园的南坡上,是画家破水定居的地方。他在这里研习手工古法制作岩茶已经有几个年头,茶香绮丽,在武夷山自成一派,并乐于传授他人。所以他们住到哪里,哪里就人来人往川流不息。和合茶园在他和夫人晓云的精心打理下,古松、竹林、菜园、茶香、良人、一双小儿女,这里日日呈现出一片美得出世的生活场景。 Hehe Tea Gallery, where artist Poshui settled down with his family, is located on the south hillside of the orchard in the northern part of Wuyi Mountain. He has been studying on the traditional way of making Wuyi Yan Tea for years there and gradually gained his reputation with increasing number of followers. Under the co-efforts with his wife, the tea gallery presents picturesque daily life with old pine trees, vegetable garden, tea fragrance, and their lovely children.
10 Mar.
保留沧桑的精美 Preserving the exquisite beauty of vicissitudes
龙吉古村位于琼北火山岩古村带,依山就势,五条巷弄为火山岩喷薄而成,村南边的“通德堂”为明清建筑,坐北朝南,四合院落,抬梁木石结构。前堂石匾“通德堂”三字为海南清代进士张岳松所题。两个老祠堂基本上已没有屋顶,只剩下一些残墙,在小楼林立、罗马柱防盗窗琳琅满目的新村里,显然已失去了庄严的地位。 Longji Village is one of the volcanic stone villages in the north of Hainan. Located along the hill, Tongde Hall and Jiangxing Ancestral Hall were built in the Ming and Qing Dynasty in the form of Shiheyuan, featuring the lifting beam structure of timber and volcanic stone. The plaque on the front gate of Tongde Hall was inscribed by Zhang Yuesong, the advanced scholar called ”Jinshi” in the Qing Dynasty. Only a little more than a ruin, the two separate ancestral halls have nearly no roof above and only som
07 Feb.
Orthostatic phase & Light
Hehe Tea Gallery, where artist Poshui settled down with his family, is located on the south hillside of the orchard in the northern part of Wuyi Mountain. He has been studying on the traditional way of making Wuyi Yan Tea for years there and gradually gained his reputation with increasing number of followers. Under the co-efforts with his wife, the tea gallery presents picturesque daily life with old pine trees, vegetable garden, tea fragrance, and their lovely children.
07 Dec.
Preserve the exquisite beauty of vicissitudes
Hehe Tea Gallery, where artist Poshui settled down with his family, is located on the south hillside of the orchard in the northern part of Wuyi Mountain. He has been studying on the traditional way of making Wuyi Yan Tea for years there and gradually gained his reputation with increasing number of followers. Under the co-efforts with his wife, the tea gallery presents picturesque daily life with old pine trees, vegetable garden, tea fragrance, and their lovely children.
11 Jul.
Today, people also know the meaning of leisure
Hehe Tea Gallery, where artist Poshui settled down with his family, is located on the south hillside of the orchard in the northern part of Wuyi Mountain. He has been studying on the traditional way of making Wuyi Yan Tea for years there and gradually gained his reputation with increasing number of followers. Under the co-efforts with his wife, the tea gallery presents picturesque daily life with old pine trees, vegetable garden, tea fragrance, and their lovely children.
12 May.
Orthostatic phase & Light
Hehe Tea Gallery, where artist Poshui settled down with his family, is located on the south hillside of the orchard in the northern part of Wuyi Mountain. He has been studying on the traditional way of making Wuyi Yan Tea for years there and gradually gained his reputation with increasing number of followers. Under the co-efforts with his wife, the tea gallery presents picturesque daily life with old pine trees, vegetable garden, tea fragrance, and their lovely children.
19 Jan.